- Judging: First, Second, and Third prizes are awarded at the discretion of the Judges. A specific prize may not be awarded if the performance standard falls below the average of the Judges’ private marks of 90 minimum for 1st place, 85 to 89 for 2nd place, and 80 to 84 (out of 100 ) for 3rd place. This is especially apt when there are three or fewer contestants in a competition category – 1st/2nd/3rd place awards are not automatic. The Placement System (by ballot) that is currently in place at our competitions will remain. This system puts the onus on the judges to avoid ties in the final placement of competitors.
- Competition Repertoire: It is recommended that we follow the description of stylistic periods listed by dates in Student Day’s Theory Workbook Level V to distinguish between musical styles – Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary. Also see our national MTNA’s online link for composer classifications.
- Refreshments: With the exception of Student Day and Fall Festival (expanded events), a suggested limit of $80 be spent on refreshments at other GPMTA events. A sign for the table will be displayed and recycled at these events. (“Refreshments are for Judges and/or Teacher-Volunteers Only”)
Ensemble and Chamber Music Festival
- Date: Saturday, February 16th
- Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Deadline: January 16th
- Location: The Music Gallery, 5990 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater
- Co-Chairs: Naoko Okada & Merilee Magnuson
- Forms: Information; Application Form; Judge's Sheet
For Teachers page:
Recital Forms:
Recital Forms:
- Ensemble and Chamber Music Festival: Information; Application Form; Judge's Sheet